
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Create a burning girl with fire effect using photoshop cs4- cs5

Create a burning girl with fire effect

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a burning girl with fire effect. We will come through easy steps to create this cool effect using only default filters, color and brushes of photoshop.

  the model used here is downloaded from :-

Step 1:- Open your picture and duplicate it we have Background copy. You better choose model with flying hair so effect will look nicer. Choose Filter-Stylize-Find edges:

2. Press Ctrl+Shift+U to desaturated it, then hit Ctrl+I to invert color. We have result:

Make a selection around face, neck, body except hair, then copy it into a new
layer ( right click this selection, choose Layer via Copy to use Ctrl+C to copy,

Ctrl+V to paste):

This step is to make face, body of girl on a new layer so when we apply effect in
following step these part will not be affected.
4. Duplicate background copy ( that has been applied some effects in previous
steps). Choose Filter-Stylize-Wind.

Depending on your model hair direction you can choose like me or in contrary side
or choose both. Apply Ripple effect ( Filter-Distort-Ripple):

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hii. Friends.

                    This Blog page is created to support for all those who are unable to view my videos tutorial on You-tube channel

                    Here i am going to share the information in written form along with snapshot of images

                           To go my You-tube channel please click the link below .